Wednesday, October 3, 2007

When it rains it pours!

So i had a little incident on Friday at work...
I wasnt feeling too great that morning and hadnt had time to eat breakfast. At lunch i had a piece of pizza and still wasnt feeling wonderful (yes, i'v been told that pizza isn't the best choice when your sick). I felt so bad that i stayed in the basement of the bank,where i was having my lunch, and called up to let them know that i wasnt feeling good. I finally decided that i should get up and work, so i called rachelle on my cell, and as i was talking and getting up i passed out!

When i woke up i was looking at the celing, tangled in the blanket i had been wearing. I few seconds later my boss, Debbie, walked in and found me! I think i gave her a bit of a scare! She got me up and sent me home with my neighbor who just happened to be at the bank.

SO. . . that was an interesting experience and im still not sure why i fainted. I went home and slept, and slept most of saturday and went to church sunday and was mostly better.
By monday i was fully recovered and i have been soundly scolded by everyone so that next time i think about doing that i will think again!!


AND, if that wasnt enough. . . i played ultimate frizbee on monday like usual and rolled my ankle mid-game! So my week/weekend hasnt been the best but its sure been eventful !


crazy lady said...

Wow! Sounds like high drama up there. Hope both your tummy and ankle are back to normal in no time. Fainting is no fun and rolled ankles are, well, a pain. And hey,Try to have some fun that doesn't involve medical conditions:0-

Lost Woman said...

That sound like a memorable weekend! Karen has much experience with passing out. (I've only done it once.. that I know of) But rolling the ankle.... now THAT is my area of expertise. My left ankle has been rolled so much it is continually swollen on the outside.
Get back on it as soon as possible, just a bit at a time. (the voice of experience.) hope this week goes better!!

michandler said...

I'm sure that is an experience you are not wanting to repeat. Who knew so much excitement could happen to one person in Colfax! Enrichment Leader?! Wow that is a busy calling. I'm sure you will have lots of fun ideas!