Friday, February 29, 2008

Quick update on college...

Hello everyone! Its been a while since i updated and i finally am able to get a picture or 2 on! I have been at BYUI for about half a semester and i'v been loving it. Well, other than the loads of homework. I am taking 16 credits: Russian 101, Visual Arts, Philosophy 314, Clogging, Humanaties, and a Book of Mormon class. My favorite is definately clogging and least favorite is philosophy. I get along amazingly with and love my roomates! We're very diverse, my room roommate Amy is from New York, Dana and Courtney Las Vegas, and Makhoto Japan. We have some great times and are always there for eachother, i am so grateful for wonderful roommates. The picture to the right is of me and my boyfriend John Pearson. I met him up here this semester and he's and awesome guy. He's from Utah and has been back from serving mission in Japan for 6 months. Believe it or not he's being a good influnence on me, makes me work on my homework, gives me a more positive attitude, lifts me up spiritually... and he's pretty cute too. Haha anyway I recently went on a weekend trip to Vegas with 2 of my roommates but i'll have to write about that later, i'v got a paper to finish! Love to all my family!


Lost Woman said...

Hey I wondered where you were!

Thanks for the update.
That is an awfully charming photo of you and your latest honey.
I think clogging would be my favorite too!

Keep on a postin!

crazy lady said...

Russian? What the??? I was wondering if you had fallen off the face of the earth. I'm glad to hear you are finding lots to do there at school - even doing homework once in a while :0) So nice to get along with roommates! That makes all the difference. I'm glad you finally figured out how to post a photo. It's always fun to have a visual to go along with the story. Hope the rest of your semester goes well.

Ben and Natalie said...

Yea for the new post. I have been waiting for your email back to me though... ha ha You act like you are in school and busy with stuff or something. I love the picture and he looks like a cutie. Keep us posted more often

michandler said...

Been a long time. Glad you posted a picture. Watch out for those return missionary types! ;-)Cute picture of both of you. Glad you have good roommates and are having a good time. Enjoy it!